
Of Sobriety

First of all, let me say I'm no heavy drinker. Eversince that one ugly night when I discovered my poor tolerance for hard liquor, I delighted myself in beer. And Margarita, which acts as a placebo to me. And Erg, vodka plus guarana. That's it.
In preparation for my Nursing Licensure Examination, I stopped drinking. If I didn't get wildly drunk for two crazy nights last June, I might not have resolved to stop. And if it wasn't scientifically proven that beer destroys neurons, I might have dealed with the pressure and tension of the NLE by drinking.

For five months, I was sober. No beer. No Margarita. No Erg. Nada.

Immediately, I felt how good it helped me when I stopped drinking. No more "I-wanna-forget-last-night" dilemmas. No more going home in the wee hours of the morning and waking up too early with a feeling of having a huge head. More savings. More emotional control. More completely wonderful night-outs that weren't partially drowned with alcohol. I felt great.

But I couldn't say that in those five months, I strayed away from temptation. Hell no. When I went out with my non-Nursing friends. They party hard and drink ice cold beer from the bottle. Sometimes I just wanna snatch the bottle off their hands and gulp the beer down to the last drop. Or when I'm feeling the "blues", I just wanna run to Manang's Sari-Sari Store and finish a whole grande by myself.

Yes, I stuck to my resolution. Until last night. Teeheee. =)

I had one, two, three, four 500 ml bottles. On my fourth bottle, I was laughing boisterously, spilling some beans that I never should have. Walking mindlessly from one area to another. Talking. Leaving my shoe behind. Talking some more. Smiling without any reason. At the end of the night, my head was sore.

And as I woke up today, the headache got worse. With which, I realized, God I feel way better when I wasn't drinking. I know, masarap talaga ang beer pero hindi masaya malasing ng sobra. At magkahang-over. Heck.

I know that this could very well pass as a testimonial for Alcoholics Anonymous pero naaaah. No resolutions for now. Just realizations.


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