
Just Saying.

He doesn't let go of my hand when he's driving, even when he changes gears.

He's a keeper. He has this infinite thread of patience which is totally the opposite of my short-fused temper. He doesn't switch opinions just so he could please anyone. He sees people as people, and not as workers, employees, etc. Praying is important for him. And I swear he heard me snore last night and he just laughed it off. So many things show me that he is truly a keeper.

Though we went out for countless dates in the past ten years of knowing each other, I still get jittery and nervous when he picks me up at home and I still blush, sigh and have that adrenalin rush by the time the date is over.

I'm happy. Just saying. :)


martian1018 said...

how sweet... i agree nikka, he must be a keeper! good luck!

yan♥doodles said...

naks naman te...congrats