
What Happened?

Updates, updates. A way to remind myself that things happen in my life. :p

1. My sister graduated from highschool last Monday! After listening to the speaker read 500 plus names the whole morning, the whole ceremony was finally over. Geez. As usual, I played "personal photographer" for her that day.

2. I'm having a blast maintaining our ukay-ukay online shop! Not because I'm making my own money but because it's such a happy business. I always get excited when my friend Janine and I go on our ukay trips. Ukay-ukay is truly fab, chic and cheap clothing without compromising your budget! We have great plans for the shop and we are keeping our fingers crossed. For now, we're just working our asses of while still being thankful. And before I forget, the shop is http://ohmyukayukay.multiply.com. ♥

3. Because I hate it when my hair sticks to my wet nape on those dreary hot afternoons, I had my hair trimmed. I got tired of the taong grasa look so I visited my favorite salon and had a fifteen-minute haircut. Loved it. :)

 It's still long anyway.

4. One of this week's highlights would have to be our family lunch at Marco Polo. I wish I could tell you how much I ate that day! But they really have the best buffet in the city. 
I certainly cannot have enough sushi. This was not the last plate yet. :p

5. And ah yes, photography. It's all so sisterly. :)

See, things happen. Hooray. :)

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