
Of Dreams

Have you ever wanted something so badly that the mere thought of it crushes your heart?

Each of us has a dream. We all have visions of how we imagine our lives to turn out in the long run, no matter how much of a slob or a workaholic we are today. As these dreams arise, our drive to pursue them almost becomes an instinct or even a working premise for our day-to-day living. Little by little, these dreams sink into our consciousness and define us, even if we haven't achieved them yet.

In the process of yearning to be what you want to be, encountering setbacks is inevitable. One of these trials is the source of encouragement. When we recognize our dreams, we often share it to our support systems - family, friends, mentors, and the like. However, no matter how strong we express our desire to achieve, not everyone will be as encouraging and as positive as we wish them to be. Some may tell us that the path to your dream is exhausting and daunting. Others may tell us that today, practicality precedes personal ambition. And some, upon hearing our ambitions, just shrug it off, comparing your dream to the farthest star.

But despite this, there will also be people who will encourage us. They are the ones who prod us and say, "Go." And we find it amazing to see how a mere push allows us to go far. These are the people who seemingly form an armor that helps us move forward towards our goals. And more often than not, the words that encouraging people tell us are the ones that stay with us the most. Perhaps that's what dreamers should do: hold on to words of encouragement, let go of the thoughts that dampen our will.

Our will resides within us. Our will is not in the hands of our parents, our forefathers or the people we need to please. Our desire to achieve lies in our hearts and not in somebody else's. Our dreams are our own. And it's up to us dreamers whether we want to achieve them or let go of them. There is power in our will, and more power in the hands of God.

If ever you want something badly and it hurts to think how far away you are from your dream, let this be your sign. For as long as you don't hurt or trample on anyone along the way, then go. Just go for it, whatever "it" is.

That was me talking to myself. :)


martian1018 said...

we are not humans if we dont dream... nice post nikka!

Nikka P. said...

Thanks! :) Trying to be sensible, for a change. Haha.